Instructions to purchase Massimo Boyer's photos, Kudalaut archive, for publications.
Massimo Boyer ( cooperates, as professional photographer and writer with the Italian magazines Aqva and Subaqva, and with other International magazines and publisher. Our cooperations include the magazines Oasis, Mondo Sommerso, Hydra (Italy), Buceadores (Spain), Diver (UK), the publishers Dorling Kindersley (UK), Nature (UK), Fishflips (USA), Bathroom Readers (USA), Editoriale Scienza e Feguagiskià Studios Edizioni (Italy), Acquario di Genova.

Our unique archive of the marine fauna and flora, on, offers the publisher many opportunities:


1- Completeness: one of the largest and more complete photo archives, especially (but not exclusively) for the Indonesian seas.
2- Scientific value: all the photos are classified by specialists.
3- Quickness: using internet, we are normally able to send you high resolution images in very short time.
Massimo Boyer, thanks to his experience as a biologist, is appreciated for the ability in collecting real life images, picking portraits during the normal behaviour of the subjects.
Nature Photography

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